An Excerpt from "Sailing to Jessica"
Chapter 10: No Emergency Exit
I glanced over my shoulder. Another two-story wall of water was encroaching on us; its cap already curling then breaking, its white water plummeting toward us. I clutched the steering wheel’s mount and held my breath, praying for Rosie to be lifted up. No luck.
The wave crashed over the boat, in one second dousing me and filling the cockpit with several feet of tepid water. Salt water rushed down the companionway steps, drenching the kitchen and quarter berth.
Rosie was now on top of the wave and I burst into tears, scared of the infinite waves surrounding us, threatening to sink us...
(Sorry for the lack of photos but survival was more important... )
The wave crashed over the boat, in one second dousing me and filling the cockpit with several feet of tepid water. Salt water rushed down the companionway steps, drenching the kitchen and quarter berth.
Rosie was now on top of the wave and I burst into tears, scared of the infinite waves surrounding us, threatening to sink us...
(Sorry for the lack of photos but survival was more important... )
To: Suzanne
From: cherokeerose@sea Date: Fri May 03 11:53:03 2002 WeROK;1/2way2Pan.HaveHadS,M,L,XLwaves!WindStrong.Paul AsleepNow,MyWatch.HowieKeepingMeCompany.MissU.SentUB-dayGiftFrmBaham:)LuvUTon |
To: Ron
From: cherokeerose@sea Date: Sun 5/5/2002 10:13 PM PCYCisGood2FromWhatWeHerd.WillBAlert.20ftSeas, 35-40ktwinds&3ships LastNite-GladItsAM.ConditionsSameButCanSee.RosieGreat.xo |