An Excerpt from "Sailing to Jessica"
Chapter 12: Storms, Pirates and the Galapagos
Once again, we were On-the-nose-Cherokee-Rose as the winds worked against us. It was dusk, halfway into our passage, and my watch. I was grimly sitting in the cockpit, surrounded by a turbulent, gray ocean and an equally turbulent, gray sky. I was monitoring a ship that was quickly overtaking us and had been looking behind us so intently that I had failed to notice what was happening in front of us.
As Rosie crested a wave, I happened to glance forward. Nestled among the waves was an aluminum dinghy with four hefty men in it. The shock of finding a boat 50 yards away was immediately replaced by deep misgivings. We were in an area noted for pirates; these men were in an open-air – not seaworthy -- dinghy over 150 miles from shore; and they were motoring directly toward us...
To: Ron
From: cherokeerose@sea Date: Wed 5/29/2002 6:02 AM GalapagosEreWeCome!ETA10days-AnthrBoatLeftYest,OneLaterToday&OneIn 3DaysSoWeHaveCompnyAtSea.LUK&P To: Ron From: cherokeerose@sea Date: Fri 5/31/2002 1:51 PM Altn8rDied.2DaysBooks&Tinkering.New1 JustInstalledOK.HadNOSparePower. TelSuCantGuarnteMes/DayButWilTry. GrtSailSoFar.ItsSoDarkOutHere-P To: Suzanne From: cherokeerose@sea Date: Sun 6/2/2002 4:49 AM EnergizerBunnyHere-StillGoing.ETA6-7Days.Aaughh!CouldWeGoAnySlower?HopeURHavingAFastDay.MissUxox To: Ron From: cherokeerose@sea Date: Friday, June 07, 2002 9:49 AM LandHo!StillGot120mi/24hrUntilIsabellaIs. CantWait4Champagne!Hugs |